
Sursa Foto: IMG Jewelry
Abisinianul este o rasă de pisică domestică originară din Africa. Are un corp zvelt și grațios, un cap triunghiular, ușor rotunjit. Urechile sunt de marime medie, late la baza. Are ochi mari în formă de migdale, păr scurt, picioare lungi, coadă de lungime medie, groasă și conică la capăt.

photo source Most wanted cattery
Pisica Bengal este o rasă de pisici domesticite creată din hibrizi de pisici domestice, pisica leopard asiatică și Mau egiptean, ceea ce le conferă strălucirea aurie - numele rasei provine de la numele taxonomic. Bengalii au un aspect sălbatic și pot prezenta pete, rozete, semne de vârf de săgeată sau marmorare.

Photo Source Luxurious Splendors Cattery
British Longhair
The British Longhair is a medium-sized, semi-long-haired breed of domestic cat, originating in Great Britain.

Sura Foto Magic Love Cattery
British Shorthair
The British Shorthair is the pedigreed version of the traditional British domestic cat, with a distinctively stocky body, dense coat, and broad face. The most familiar color variant is the "British Blue," a solid gray-blue coat, copper eyes, and a medium-sized tail.

Photo source Made in Romania
Cornish Rex
The Cornish Rex has no hair except for down hair. Most breeds of cat have three different types of hair in their coats: the outer fur or "guard hairs", a middle layer called the "awn hair"; and the down hair or undercoat, which is very fine and about 1 cm long.

Photo Source Veterinary Village
Exotic Shorthair este o rasă de pisici dezvoltată ca o versiune cu păr scurt a persanului. Exoticul este asemănător cu persanul în multe privințe, inclusiv prin temperament și conformație, un nas și o față plate, cu excepția hainei scurte și dense.

Nutzy's Mapuseta Photo Source
Maine Coon
The Maine Coon is the largest domesticated cat breed. It has a distinctive physical appearance and valuable hunting skills. It is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America, specifically native to the state of Maine, where it is the official state cat.

Photo Source Wild Eyes Cattery
Munchkin Longhair
The Munchkin cat or Sausage cat is a newer breed of cat characterized by its very short legs, which are caused by a genetic mutation. The Munchkin is considered to be the original breed of dwarf cat.

Photo Source The Spruce Cats
Munchkin Shorthair
The Munchkin cat or Sausage cat is a newer breed of cat characterized by its very short legs, which are caused by a genetic mutation. The Munchkin is considered to be the original breed of dwarf cat.

Photo Source The Spruce Cats
Norwegian Forest Cat
The Norwegian Forest cat is a breed of domestic cat originating in Northern Europe. This natural breed is adapted to a very cold climate, with a top coat of glossy, long, water-shedding hairs and a woolly undercoat for insulation.

Photo Source The Spruce Cats
The Oriental Shorthair is a breed of domestic cat that is developed from and closely related to the Siamese cat. It maintains the modern Siamese head and body type but appears in a wide range of coat colors and patterns.

Photo Source Flavius Baguci
Pisica persană este o rasă de pisici cu păr lung, caracterizată prin fața sa rotundă și botul scurt. Este, de asemenea, cunoscut sub numele de „Persian Longhair” în țările vorbitoare de limbă engleză. În regiunea Orientului Mijlociu, sunt cunoscute pe scară largă ca „pisici Shirazi”, iar în Iran sunt cunoscute ca „pisici Shiraz”.

Photo Source Elian Rags Cattery
The Ragdoll is a cat breed with a color point coat and blue eyes. They are large and muscular semi-longhair cats with a soft and silky coat. Developed by American breeder Ann Baker in the 1960s, they are best known for their docile and placid temperament and affectionate nature.

Photo Source RAWZ
Russian Blue
The Russian Blue is a cat breed that comes in colors varying from a light shimmering silver to a darker, slate gray. Their short, dense coat has been the hallmark of the Russian breed for more than a century. The dense coat stands out from the body.

Photo Source Google Licensed
Sacred Burmese
The Birman is a long-haired, color-pointed cat distinguished by a silky coat, deep blue eyes, and contrasting white "gloves" on each paw.

Sursa Foto SavvyMania
O pisică Savannah este un hibrid între un serval african și o pisică domestică. De obicei, acum în 2022, încrucișarea este între un serval și o Savannah. Pisicile rezultate vin în patru arome și au nume specifice.

Photo Source: Magic Love Cattery
Scottish Fold
The Scottish Fold is a breed of domestic cat with a natural dominant-gene mutation that affects cartilage throughout the body, causing the ears to "fold", bending forward and down towards the front of the head, which gives the cat what is often described as an "owl-like" appearance.

Photo Source Izabella Miron
Scottish Straight
Scottish Straight's ears start out straight and remain that way, rather than bending downward and forward like their Scottish Fold siblings.

Photo Source The Spruce Cats
Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS6)
Primary congenital glaucoma (PCG)
Korat Gangliosidosis (GM1)
Progressive retinal atrophy (rdAc-PRA)

Photo Source The Spruce Cats
Siberianul este o rasă veche de secole de pisică domestică din Rusia și s-a dezvoltat recent ca o rasă oficială, cu standarde promulgate în întreaga lume de la sfârșitul anilor 1980. Siberienii variază de la dimensiuni medii la mari.

Photo Source Furry House
The Sphynx cat is a breed of cat known for its lack of coat. Hairlessness in cats is a naturally occurring genetic mutation; however, the Sphynx cat, as a breed, was developed through selective breeding, starting in the 1960s.

Photo Source Wikipedia
Selkirk Rex
The breed has been developed in two coat lengths, long and short. It is a large and solidly built breed, similar to a British Shorthair. The coat is very soft and has a woolly look and feel with loose, unstructured curls. The head is round, with large rounded eyes, medium-sized ears, and a distinct muzzle, whose length is equal to half its width.